Monday 29 August 2011

FrightFest Burger

Still taking up the GBK voucher offer, it was time for another burger today. Even the news that such offers were killing off small businesses did little to ruin my appetite.

I opted for a Chicken Satay burger, much to the disappointment of @ECForde who insists that "you don't mix food like that with sweets like nuts (?!?)".

I must say i thoroughly enjoyed this. Very filling peice of chicken with out too much relish to ruin the flavour.

GBK further won brownie points with the selection of sauce for today. Having been disappointed by the BBQ source last time out, the garlic mayo was a fantastic accompaniment to the onion rings and fries. A great side dish at last! Kudos to the person who recommended it.

To cleanse the pallet i had a hankering for an Ice Cream. It was a wait, a bit of a FrightFest film got in the way (Kill List is excellent), but i made the perfect choice. Raspberry Sorbet... tangy, tasty goodness. 

One thing i am glad is not halal is peperami... someone has taken it upon themselves to eat these in copious amounts at EVERY SCREENING during Frightfest. Plus i suspect his mum has packed his lunchbox. Ewww. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sticking to that comment as well no sweets with the burger
